Posts coming all over the network – Articoli provenienti da tutta la rete –
We have chosen to make a zine of this text + a poinient critique of it posted shortly after its release. You can download it on our zines page. Athena – Addicted to Losing To restart the revolution is not to rebegin it, it is to cease to see the world alienated, men to be saved or helped, or even to be served, it is to abandon the masculine position, to listen to femininity, stupidity, and madness without regarding them as evils. —J.F. Lyotard Can you be immortalized without your life being expired? —Kendrick Lamar In the summer of […]
The rattling the cages: oral histories of north american political prisoners zines –– transcriptions of all of the panel talks, glossaries, & letter-writing info are available at Published by AK Press, Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners is a project of abolitionists Josh Davidson and Eric King. The book is filled with the experience and wisdom of over thirty current and former North American political prisoners. It provides first-hand details of prison life and the political commitments that continue to lead prisoners into direct confrontation with state authorities and institutions. For the last year, Firestorm […]
Brighton, UK: ABC Brighton Presents – A Talk by Former Anarchist Prisoner Toby Shone on Operation Adream & UK Prison Conditions (Abolition Media)
ABC Brighton talk with Toby Shone, March 7th 19:00, March 7th, 2025, The Cowley Club, Brighton, UK Members and guests only – ABC Brighton presents A talk by former anarchist prisoner Toby Shone on Operation Adream & UK prison conditions Operation Adream: An attempt by the security services to criminalise anarchist praxis and anarchists themselves by equating anarchism with terrorism and using the judicial imposition of “Serious Organised Crime Prevention Orders” on individual anarchists to hamper their meeting and organising. Received by email.
⚲ 18:00 | Linienstraße 206, Berlin-Mitte MENÜ: Palästinensisches Essen – vegan * Fattet Adas „Linsen-Fatteh” * Manakish „Brot mit Za’atar” * Fattoush „Frischer Salat” * Tahini-Soße جمع التبرعات لعائلة صديقنا في غزة 02/05 ابتداء من السادسة مساء Linienstraße 206 القائمة جميع المأكولات نباتية فتة عدس مناقيش فتوش
After we decided not to do the Festival in 2024 we are back in 2025! Line-Up and program coming soon!
📅 Wann? Donnerstag, 6. Februar, um 18:00 Uhr📍 Wo? AK44, Gießen Du hast genug von rechten Ideologien, Diskriminierung und menschenfeindlichen Strukturen? Du möchtest aktiv etwas dagegen unternehmen und dich mit Gleichgesinnten vernetzen? Dann komm zum nächsten Offenen Antifaschistischen Treffen (OAT) in Gießen! Das OAT ist eine offene Plattform für alle, die sich für eine solidarische, antifaschistische Gesellschaft einsetzen wollen – egal, ob du bereits aktiv bist oder einfach neugierig, wie du dich engagieren kannst. Wir freuen uns auf dich. 💥
January 29, 2025 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids have begun in New York City as the Trump administration pushes for an increase in arrests of undocumented people across the United States. On Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem was in New York City to oversee ICE enforcement operations. Noem confirmed on X that at least one arrest happened in the Bronx as a result of an ICE raid. The Aurora Police Department later confirmed the suspect arrested was wanted for burglary in Colorado. Mayor Eric Adams addressed the ICE operation in a statement, which read in part: “Our city […]
Hemos querido compartir parte de una carta que nos han hecho llegar desde Mansilla de Las Mulas (León). Nos ha parecido que expone de forma clara y concreta algunas de las consecuencias que tiene la cárcel en las personas que se ven atrapadas en ella. Centro Penitenciario de León. Enero 2025. Los presos tenemos que afrontar una situación a veces desconocida, de incierta duración, de relación de dominación, en la que es imposible controlar los acontecimientos. Por otra parte, altera los ritmos vitales y origina una dependencia absoluta, falta de iniciativa y una ausencia de expectativas de futuro. Todo ello, […]
Traduciamo e condividiamo questo articolo molto interessante di Crimetchinc. dove si parla non solo dell’importanza dell’agire, ma, attraverso le testiomonianze di alcuni compagni, si argomenta come lo stare in prima linea sia il luogo più sicuro nel quale trovarsi. Sia eticamente, sia fisicamente. È PIÙ SICURO STARE IN PRIMA LINEA ALL’ATTACCO DELLA TIRANNIA Di fronte all’intensificarsi della repressione e della violenza di Stato, è comprensibile l’inclinazione a cercare la sicurezza evitando il confronto. Ma questa non è sempre la strategia più efficace. “Per quanto possa essere un controsenso, in una situazione di confusione, spesso il posto migliore, se non il […]
Columbia University suspends one student as it expedites investigation into Israeli history class disruption (never sleep)
January 24, 2025 Columbia University says it has suspended one student after “expediting” its investigation into a group who disrupted a class on Israeli history. Demonstrators handed out flyers with “violent imagery” to students attending a History of Modern Israel class on Tuesday, the university said in a statement. Columbia said it identified and suspended one student involved, pending a full review, and that its investigation remains active. It was the first day of Professor Avi Shilon’s class, and students had only just been introduced to the course when protesters – whose faces were covered and appeared to be wearing […]
New York City police are searching for a group of people they say took a subway train on a joyride. The department released images and video Wednesday of six individuals who they say commandeered an unoccupied “R” train over the weekend. Surveillance video from inside the train shows the group, who all wore jackets with their hoods up, as they exited the conductor’s compartment and walked through the otherwise empty car. A video of the group on their joyride was also shared on Instagram. The clip shows one of them seated at the controls while another appears to be sitting […]
Anonymous submission from Columbia: “Im so scared. Please come.” One year ago today, these were Hind’s last words as she called for an ambulance, while Israeli forces unleashed 355 bullets murdering her as she hid in a car. One year ago, the world failed Hind. But today and everyday we owe Hind, all our martyrs, and ourselves, action. So today we acted. Inspired by Hind, and the bravery of every Palestinian child who has faced down Israeli genocide for the last century – whether they threw a molotov at a checkpoint, a rock at a tank, or made a call […]
Am Samstag, dem 01.02 findet ab 14 Uhr eine Kundgebung unter dem Motto „Gegen die rassistische Politik von CDU & Co! Asylrecht verteidigen!“ in Lübeck auf dem Kohlmarkt statt. Gegen Nazis, Rassist*innen und ihre staatlichen Helfer*innen. Für einen konsequent gelebten Antifaschismus!
Am Montagmittag stand die FDP mit ihrem Spitzenkandidaten Christian Lindner auf dem Rathausplatz in Kiel. Was sie dabei an Publikum mobilisieren konnte, reiht sich nahtlos an ihre Wahlschlappen bei den Ostwahlen an und spiegelt den Zustand der Partei wieder. Dennoch nahmen wir die Veranstaltung zum Anlass, um uns unter die Menge zu mischen und mit Plakaten und Parolen auf ihre arbeiterfeindliche, neoliberale Politik aufmerksam zu machen. Nachdem wir relativ rabiat von den Bullen entfernt wurden, schlossen wir uns dem angemeldeten Protest unterschiedlicher Gruppen an. Einmal mehr wurde deutlich: die FDP steht für eine rassistische Abschottung gegenüber Geflüchteten, für ein […]
Frase tomada del artículo de Ulrike Meinhof «De la protesta a la resistencia» de 1968. Ulrike señala en ese texto que ella misma escuchó la frase de voz de un estudiante negro en un congreso sobre la guerra de Vietnam. A mi me párece terriblemente vigente la frase, y el artículo en general, de cara al genocidio en Palestina, y las anexiones que continúa empujando Israel tanto en Gaza como en Líbano y Siria. No basta con protestar, debemos de evitar que continúe, debemos ponerle un fin. La fuente es Darker Grotesque. Realizado en Inkscape.
Le secteur de la micro-électronique est le plus gros employeur de la vallée du Grésivaudan. Alors que l’accaparement des ressources par cette industrie est contesté depuis deux ans et que le collectif STopMicro prépare une mobilisation d’ampleur les 28, 29 et 30 mars prochain à Grenoble et Bernin, des signes inquiétants de bâillonnement du débat public apparaissent. L’organisation de présentations de la bande dessinée de Maud et Elsa Lecarpentier Toujours puce. Les macrodégâts de la microélectronique (ed. Le monde à l’envers) dans le Grésivaudan – et la tenue de réunions publiques sur le sujet en général – s’avère semée d’embûches. […]
Hey y’all – in light of various fash activities and whatnot, we’ve made SALUTE fliers you’ll hopefully find useful for sharing with your friends, posting around, and otherwise distributing. It’s important that when we communicate with about the fash we do so in a way that spreads information, not panic. The fliers look like this and are available in full, half, and quarter size sheets below. Full size Half size Quarter size Good luck and happy hunting.
Loire-Atlantique : Une fillette maintenue dans une baignoire à 59°C, la belle-mère tortionnaire jugée (Une chance pour la France)
Tiffany B. et Steeve D., « une chance pour la France » La justice a tranché dans une affaire qui a bouleversé Missillac, petite commune de Loire-Atlantique. Tiffany B., une femme de 30 ans, a été condamnée à 12 ans de réclusion criminelle par la cour d’assises de Nantes pour des actes de torture et de barbarie infligés à la fille cadette de son compagnon. Cette enfant, âgée de seulement 6 ans au moment des faits, était devenue le souffre-douleur de sa belle-mère. Le père de la fillette a également été condamné à cinq ans de prison ferme pour non-assistance à personne […]
30 Gennaio 2025 – ore 20,30 La collaborazione Italia –Israele tra le rispettive Università e i centri di ricerca con Daniele Ratti I rapporti tra Italia e Israele e le missioni militari in Libano e nel Golfo di Aden a cura del Centro di documentazione contro la guerra [archiveorg la-collaborazione-e-i-rapporti-tra-italia-e-israele-30-01-2025 width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true] Non siamo certi che la tregua a Gaza duri e ponga fine alla guerra aperta. Siamo invece assolutamente certi che la pulizia etnica dei palestinesi proseguirà e che il governo e l’opposizione italiani continueranno ad esserne complici.
Kolejny czwartek i kolejny wywiad tym razem z punkowo-anarchistycznego zina Chaos w mojej głowie nr 22, który ukazał się w styczniu 2021 roku.
Edito da: La Rivolta Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma Anno: [1946] Pagine: 32 File: PDF Introduzione/Premessa/Presentazione/Sinossi/Quarta di Copertina/Sintesi: /// Note dell’Archivio – Opuscolo fotografato – Con ogni probabilità questo testo di Peyrani è un estratto del libro “Verità ed ignoranza”, edito dalla Societa editrice lombarda nel 1898. Per eventuali chiarimenti e fugare i nostri dubbi, inviateci una mail al nostro indirizzo: Link Download
Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been released (darknights)
PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3 (For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.) The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also […]
Una nueva oportunidad de libertad se abre paso a una persona que estaba encerrada entre los muros de una prisión. Esta vez en Tarragona, donde un preso aprovecha una salida a un centro terapéutico junto con une trabajadore social y une psicólogue, para fugarse. Sin más líos que la excusa de echarse un cigarro, aprovecha y se marcha, propiciando así su libertad individual por sus propios medios. ¡desde Valencia, te deseamos suerte y próspera fuga! Podemos leer en varios periódicos que la salida al exterior de los muros de Mas de Enric programada de ese día, tenía la finalidad de…
[2025/01/31] Trial support and solidarity rally for imprisoned comrade – the prosecutor demanded to jail her for more than 3 years! (#anarchists4palestine)
⚲ 10:30 Rally – 11:00 Verdict | Amtsgericht Tiergarten, Turmstraße 91, Berlin-Moabit In the last court session, the prosecutor demanded 3 years and 5 months of imprisonment against the comrade, the lawyer demanded for Probation. Tomorrow on Friday, the judge will decide! After four hearings and the testimonies of dozens of police officers, at 31.01. is sentencing day for this comrade, who has been in jail since October 2024 under pre-trial detention. Let us all stand in solidarity with this brave comrade who defends her principles and Palestine even from behind bars! more infos: see last announcement
Lo spazio transfemminista, queer e punk sgomberato nel 2015 entra suo malgrado nel programma di Art City. Le attiviste: “Tentativo vergognoso di rimuovere un conflitto ancora aperto”. Dal 6 al 16 febbraio Atlantide entrerà suo malgrado a far parte di ART CITY, il programma di mostre, eventi e iniziative promosso dal Comune di Bologna, in collaborazione con BolognaFiere per Arte Fiera (7-9 febbraio 2025). Il cassero di Porta Santo Stefano in cui Atlantide è vissuta per quasi 17 anni ospiterà un’opera sulla memoria della violenza razzista sulle donne e le persone queer dell’artista sudafricana Gabrielle Goliath, che però non era […]
Lo spazio transfemminista, queer e punk sgomberato nel 2015 entra suo malgrado nel programma di Art City. Le attiviste: “Tentativo vergognoso di rimuovere un conflitto ancora aperto”. Dal 6 al 16 febbraio Atlantide entrerà suo malgrado a far parte di ART CITY, il programma di mostre, eventi e iniziative promosso dal Comune di Bologna, in collaborazione con BolognaFiere per Arte Fiera (7-9 febbraio 2025). Il cassero di Porta Santo Stefano in cui Atlantide è vissuta per quasi 17 anni ospiterà un’opera sulla memoria della violenza razzista sulle donne e le persone queer dell’artista sudafricana Gabrielle Goliath, che però non era […]
Tasikmalaya, Indonesia: Claim of responsibility for the incendiary attack on a police post in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned members of FAI/IRF (darknights)
“I have dreamed of a world in flames, rolling in the infinite and hurling red-hot meteors and sparks through the starry spaces.” ~ Bruno Filippi We again claim the action of attacking a police post, on December 17, 2024 in the area of Tasikmalaya, West Java. We are a small revolutionary cell formed from the consciousness of resistance, a fusion of collectives and free individuals! There will be more attacks to destroy the state and its instruments! This communiqué is addressed to Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned FAI/IRF members around the world. You are not alone! Because no […]
S.O. FUTURA Vi invita all’incontro di presentazione del nuovo gruppo di lettura de “Il Capitale”, per fare alcune riflessioni sulla funzione di una rilettura di questo testo nel contesto odierno. In seguito all’incontro ci sarà una cena vegana (per allergie o intolleranze scriveteci in DM). Infine, proiezione del film “Queimada” di Gillo Pontecorvo, e dibattito! Il film sarà in italiano con sottotitoli in inglese. Il film Queimada affronta il tema dell’imperialismo, esprimendo il passaggio dalla forma coloniale allo sviluppo del dominio imperialista. Attraverso l’espediente narrativo di un’isola immaginaria colonizzata dal Portogallo, il film riesce a sintetizzare il dominio occidentale sui […]
Nordau Max, La menzogna monarchica. Kropotkin Petr, Lo spirito di ribellione. Feuerbach Ludwig, L’origine delle religioni (Le Maquis – Biblioteca Anarchica e Libertaria)
Edito da: La Rivolta Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma Anno: Novembre 1945 Pagine: 16 File: PDF Introduzione/Premessa/Presentazione/Sinossi/Quarta di Copertina/Sintesi: /// Note dell’Archivio – Opuscolo fotografato – Il testo di Nordau è estratto da “Le menzogne convenzionali della nostra civiltà“, pagg. 92-109. Il periodo finale di questo estratto non è completo e manca questa parte: “e non differisce essenzialmente dalla monarchia, anzi è da meno di questa, perchè non accontenta la logica, nè l’estetica, mentre il contrario può accadere invece nella monarchia assoluta, perchè è costruzione storica, unitaria, simmetrica.” – Per il testo di Kropotkin si rimanda a questo post. – Il […]
Pranzo condiviso 09/02/25 in Via del leone 60/62. Porta ció che vorresti trovare lí.
Berlin, Germany: Message of Comrade Daniela Klette at the 30th International Rosa Luxemburg Conference (darknights)
Political letter from RAF prisoner of war Daniela Klette from the Vechta Women’s Maximum Security Prison, at the 30th International Rosa Luxemburg Conference held on 11 January in Berlin on the topic: The last battle – how dangerous is capitalism in decline. Dear participants of the Rosa Luxemburg conference, Dear comrades, I greet you today from the prison in Vechta. I was arrested almost a year ago after decades of living in illegality. I am facing years of legal proceedings on charges of participation in armed expropriations. In addition, ‘justice’ is pursuing another trial against me on the charge of […]
With too many things to do (and no time to waste in this chaos world rat race in outer space) I tried a new idea today. Imagine this annoyance : Desktop running Debian (with surname GNU/Linux if you prefer) with a desktop environment which is not KDE, GNOME or does not depend on fvwm95. After logging out, when going out or going to sleep I’ve been furious that lots of commands keeping running in the background. And I was currently too impatient to search for a really really long time for logout session files options where this could be worked […]
Vivo in un posto dove i cespugli sembrano stambecchi o dove gli stambecchi hanno un pelo particolarmente ispido, fate voi 🙂
extraits d’a2day / mercredi 29 janvier 2025 […] Moscou Un véhicule militaire UAZ Patriot avec des plaques du ministère de la Défense a été brûlé le 17 janvier, dans le quartier de Novaya Moskva. La voiture a été incendiée dans un parking du district de Dessionovskoïe. Le UAZ Patriot avec des numéros militaires en noir et blanc se trouvait dans le parking près de la maison. À un moment donné, la voiture a pris feu. Des témoins ont écrit qu’il n’y avait personne à l’intérieur.
Prueba autopost mastodon / mercredi 29 janvier 2025 En 2025, la ville de Caen prévoit l’installation de nouvelles caméras de vidéosurveillance et la signature d’un partenariat avec la RATP (qui gère le réseau Twisto) pour optimiser l’utilisation des images du réseau de transport. Cette affiche propose un descriptif du réseau de surveillance local et des pistes pour s’y opposer. CONTRE LA VIDÉOSURVEILLANCE, à CAEN et AILLEURS Depuis 2016, la ville de Caen et sa police se sont dotées de caméras de vidéosurveillance et d’un Centre de Supervision et de Commandement (CSC) où sont visionnées en direct les images. Aujourd’hui, il y […]
« Ils sont en train de nous tuer à petit feu » : texte des retenus de Vincennes sur leurs conditions de rétention (abaslescra)
Les retenus du CRA 2B de Vincennes nous ont transmis un texte dans lequel ils dénoncent leurs conditions d’enfermement. Ils veulent que cette pétition, signée par une quarantaine de retenus, sur la soixantaine que compte le bâtiment, soit diffusée à l’extérieur pour que les gens connaissent ce qu’ils vivent.
Incontro non casuale con Garrincha edizioni Domenica 2 Febbraio ore 11.00 dal vivo piazza municipio Marigliano dall’etere radioplazA Mentre nel mondo si consumano eccidi, guerre infami e disastri ambientali incombono sulle nostre resistenze, radioplazA si smarca, sgusciante, ultra-radio-fonica appunto, e incontra Garrincha editore per parlare di tutto, di tutt’altro e di tutto l’altro, partendo dal calcioooo!!! Garrincha edizioni La fascinazione, l’idea suggestiva di raccontare storie di calcio superando la banale e abusata cronaca sportiva, entrando nell’atmosfera che ruota intorno a questo sport, da sempre spettro di storie, di situazioni, di mondi che svelano molto altro fuori dal gioco. […]
Entrevista a Michel Henry sobre su lectura de Marx (realizada en 1996 por Philippe Corcuff y Natalie Depraz) (La máquina ciclópea )
Michel Henry – Un Marx desconocido: la subjetividad individual en el corazón de la crítica de la economía política. Michel Henry (1922-2002) fue un gran filósofo francés de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, apreciado por varias generaciones de filósofos pero hoy en día poco conocido entre el gran público. Sin embargo, fue también escritor y obtuvo el premio Renaudot por su novela L’amour les yeux fermés en 1976 (Gallimard). Nació el 10 de enero de 1922. Su tesis de maestría de filosofía, defendida en 1943, es una lectura original de Spinoza (se titula Le bonheur de Spinoza y fue […]
Forages pétroliers en Seine-et-Marne : « Une pollution aux hydrocarbures, c’est quasi définitif pour une nappe phréatique » (RAS LA MINE)
[pompé sur France 3] Alors que l’entreprise Bridge Énergies, qui exploite une concession pétrolière à Nonville, souhaite construire de nouveaux puits, le projet est contesté devant la justice par Eau de Paris. Menace pour l’eau potable, risque de pollution… Des … Continuer la lecture
Extraits de l’édito : L’apériodique que tu tiens entre tes mains naît de l’envie de mieux comprendre le renouveau de l’extractivisme en Europe pour nourrir des perspectives de lutte. Il est le fruit de rencontres, de longues discussions et de … Continuer la lecture
[pompé sur sansnom] Traduit de l’allemand de de.indymedia, 15 janvier 2024 Plusieurs stations de pompage de la mine de lignite à ciel ouvert de Hambach, qui captent les eaux souterraines et en privent les forêts de Sündi et de Hambach, … Continuer la lecture
A few Marseille-made zines from CALE: Cheaptoys #29 – Almanach pour l’an de crasse 2025″ – €3.00 Chaise Vide (Marina.Margarina) – PL And a new release from Hidden Bay Records: Walk Home Drunk, DirtPath – St 12,00€ Write us if you want a copy! for as long as eye can remember i’ve had dreams of my own funeral of tha tears ppl wept for me – idk what it meant 2 wish for your own death so regularly but eye do remember leading bible study groups at 16 and being bothered by cults who wanted control over what their yutes were hearing and eye do remember church events where i’m called 2 tha front and prophecies come out that i’m going 2 be a leader (they want me 2 inherit my grandpas church sooo bad) faith/spirituality/(G)god have been apart of my life 4 […]
Levons les jambes, levons les bras (avant de lever les voiles) et allons danser dans le sud Finistère pour fêter et célébrer le départ de Bolloré. Allons chanter que la Bretagne n’est pas une terre de milliardaires, mais une terre solidaire. Venez avec tout votre Bagad et vos caissons de basses, vos cornemuses, vos voix et vos plus belles enceintes, venez en famille et en bande de potes : dimanche 2 février 2025 aura lieu un grand Fest Deiz sauvage. Bolloré c’est LE financier qui soigne son image. Il aime se dire breton. On l’a vu en habit traditionnel Glazig,…