Posts coming all over the network – Articoli provenienti da tutta la rete –

In seguito all’assemblea contro ogni galera e frontiera un nutrito gruppo di solidali si è riunito fuori dal carcere per creare un ponte solidale con lx detenutx. Il cuore ci porta sempre lì, a sostegno dellx reclusx, per portare vicinanza a chi sta dentro le gabbie volute dal potere. Il carcere di Piazza Lanza si staglia nel centro della città, imponente, nel pieno del traffico cittadino. I cori hanno riecheggiato all’interno delle mura gelide del carcere, lx detenutx si sono affacciate, urlando insieme a noi, sventolando la fiammella degli accendini fuori dalle sbarre, facendo giochi di luce con la lampada […]

LUNEDI’ 10 MARZO 2025 – ORE 21,00 Cine COX18 presenta per il ciclo A cura di … ma non è una malattia: All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Tutta la bellezza ed il dolore), 2002, Laura Poitras, US, 122′ [eng sub ita] Per i corti fuori programma: autoproduzione video sulle liste d’attesa MERCOLEDI’ 12 MARZO 2025 – ORE 20,30 Io la conoscevo bene: LA FINANZA (seconda puntata/seconda serie) Potere politico ed economico “partners in crime” VENERDI’ 14 MARZO 2025 – ORE 22,00 CUM ON FEEL THE NOIZE Concerto: Asino – Ondakeiki A seguire DJ Set: Quite a Village SABATO 15 […]
Aumento de más de un 6% anual en la incidencia de glioblastomas en los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes (la curva de mar) Un verdadero boom de glioblastomas, tumores cerebrales malignos, paralelo a la rápida difusión de teléfonos móviles y smartphones, que se utilizan pegados al cerebro para mantener conversaciones: En una nota, la ONG francesa Phonegate Alert informa de que el 3 de marzo de 2025 un estudio de Santé Publique France (SPF, la agencia pública de salud de Francia para estudios epidemiológicos) certificó la incidencia de tumores en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes (AYA) de entre 15 y 39 años. Este informe revela un preocupante aumento del glioblastoma con un incremento significativo del +6,11 % anual en el periodo estudiado (2000-2020). […]

A Marigliano, domenica 16 Marzo, la presentazione del caffè TATAWELO. Domenica 16 Marzo 2025 – Piazza Municipio – Marigliano dalle 10:00 – collettivo utopiA e TATAWELO; 18 anni di ribellione in una tazza di eccellente caffè. dalle 11:00 radioplazA trasmette l’evento in diretta live dalla piazza e in streaming su Per info e altre suggestioni scrivi a *** Presupposti. A Marigliano c’è un gruppo d’acquisto, promosso dal collettivo utopiA, che da 18 anni sostiene e promuove la distribuzione diretta di un particolare caffè, molto diverso da quello a cui tuttututtettutti siamo abituati a gustare nelle nostre case o […]
Elkartasuna Munichen atxilotutako anarkistekin (Errepresioaren eta borroka sozialen inguruko aldizkari anarkista euskalduna)
Otsailaren 26ean Bavierako eta Austriako poliziek burututako operazioan atxilotutako bi lagunak, N eta M espetxeratuta jarraitzen dute. Haiek idazteko helbidea eskuratzeko eta elkartasuna bideratzeko: Azken urteotan Municheko hirian eta Bavierako estatuan zehar ehundaka kale borroka eraso eta sabotaia gertatu eta gertatzen ari dira, eta polizia indarrek ezker muturreko terrorismoa borrokatzeko sortutako taldeak inolako arrastorik lortu ezinean anarkistak jopuntuan hartu ditu. 2025eko otsailaren 26ean Munich eta Bavierako Fiskal Nagusiaren aginduz 9 etxebizitza miatu zituzten, hoietako 3 Austrian. Bi lagun atxilotuta eraman zituzten eta egun preso jarraitzen dute. Aldi berean hainbat lagunei poliziaren aurrean deklaratzeko aginduak eman zizkieten eta martxoaren 6ean […]
Errepresio basatia Buenos Airesen (Argentina) (Errepresioaren eta borroka sozialen inguruko aldizkari anarkista euskalduna)
Atzo Buenos Airesen poliziak errepresio basatia erabili zuen babes zabala zuen pentsionistek eta futboleko zaleek gobernuaren murrizketen aurka deitutako manifestazio baten aurka. Ehundaka zauritu eta 130 atxilotu inguru, gazte bat poliziak zauritu ostean oso larri ta kazetari bat hilzorian…borrokak eta protestak gau osoan zehar luzatu dira.
“A better world, better for all” – Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van – Kyriakos X. always present by Anarchists (Athens,Greece) (Act for freedom now!)
“A better world, better for all” – Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van -Hellenic (Telecommunications Organisation S.A) Kyriakos X. always present Technology plays a primary role in shaping the modern dystopia. Human contact has been replaced by online interaction, which is based on the construction and promotion of a self-image aimed at strengthening fragile self-confidence, which ends up being ephemeral and dependent on an insatiable need for reassurance. Personal relationships have degraded completely and total alienation is prevalent. At the same time, technology, as a pillar of capitalism, creates artificial needs through systematized advertising propaganda, which is becoming […]

La Col.lectiva és un espai alliberat de Reus desde fa 3 anys. La Corda, junt amb altres grups i projectes, utilitzem aquest espai per a reunir-nos, emmagatzemar material, realitzar jornades i tenir un punt de suport en poder ser nosaltres mateixes. Recentment ha arribat una ordre de desallotjament, on ens dónen menys d’un mes fins a que la policia vingui a fotre’ns fora i a acabar amb aquest espai ple de vida. La data oberta pel desallotjament és el 7,8,9 d’abril, i durant aquests tres dies els mossos tindran plena disponibilitat per execturar la ordre per la força, a qualsevol […]

via:informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now! Received by mail It’s been more than two years since that 22nd of December in 2022, the day of various raids orchestrated by the Metropolitana Sur High Complexity Prosecutor. Six households were raided, five of these in the Metropolitan Region and one in the Valparaiso Region, all registered by police groups OS9, GOPE and LABOCAR, resulting in six arrests, four of which led to pre-trial prison. Two of these were brothers and comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández, who throughout the following months remained under investigation for the explosive attack on the National Police […]

In avvicinamento alla tredicesima edizione de LA VOLPE E L’UVA (5.6 aprile) FOA Boccaccio 003 presenta: Sabato 22.03.2025 presso il Circolo di viale Libertà 33 a Monza VINO è ANARCHIA, VINO è ANTIFASCISMO Dalle ore 18:00 il Collettivo Kaos (Brescia) presenterà la mostra collettiva “Vino è anarchia, vino è antifascismo”. Durante la serata degustazione dei vini della cantina Malmosto e aperitivo con le autoproduzioni GoFamFes, entrambi progetti del collettivo. Ad accompagnarci nelle chiacchiere e oltre: SednaD (disco/electro/techno).
Athens: Greece: Smashing front windows in multiple supermarkets ,and 1 ATM Bank in Athens by Next door sledgehammers. (Act for freedom now!)
Smashing front windows in multiple supermarkets in Athens By Anarchists Monday I get something, Tuesday I can’t stand it, Wednesday I’m bored, Thursday I can’t wait, Friday morning… fuck the bosses. What is a broken window doing on the pavement early in the morning? What does the anti-theft in the honey have to do with the control and shaping of our desires? Why aren’t discount offers another solution? When the questions increase, sometimes you need to break down the wall that separates you from the necessary answers. And if the wall is made of glass, all the better.
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(Chile) Week of Agitation in Memory of Comrade Javier Recabarren, March 11-18, 2025 (Act for freedom now!)

via: informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now! Reposted from Contrainfo “And even if death does not occur in direct confrontation, it’s us who must relive each history, who must construct the combative memory of our siblings so that their memory isn’t transformed into a citizenist memorial, so that their face isn’t that of some idol; So that the war they made in life forms part of the revolutionary impulse. Their stories, convictions and contradictions accompany us in each action, in each night of sabotage, in each destructive impulse of the society of misery, each gesture of rebellion.” -Belén Navarrete […]
Attacking Prisons at the Point of Production: A Brief Look at Militant Actions Against the Prison Industrial Complex (Pandemonium Distro)

Zine PDF “Anarchists, if they are to transform the anti-prison movement into part of the larger revolutionary process, need to start hammering away at the prisons themselves. Every prison in existence needs to be destroyed, on principle, and in preparation for Day One of the social revolution, when, as they say, the prison gates will fly open and the dragon will fly out. The purpose of this pamphlet is to take a brief, but detailed look at individuals and groups who have targeted the prison-industrial complex at the point of production, in the hopes of giving contemporary anarchists some […]

Zine PDF Abridged Zine PDF “This proposal for security culture is based on reframing on shifting our focus from fear to confidence, from risk aversion to courage, from isolation to connection, and from suspicion to trust.”

Zine PDF “Our own celebrations are during the night, when the shiny lights give their place to the thick darkness of delinquency and become the gasoline for the fire, the movement, the destruction. Because national unity is for the frightened, we shall never compromise with any state and any nation. Our only country is the Revolution, Violent and Subversive in its steps, bound to annihilate your old world.”

Zine PDF “Today’s era smells like engine oil, cheap labor, sweat and naphthalene of the morality of voluntary obedience… We do not want to be defined by the culture of techno-industrial fascism, the white uniforms of scientists, the neckties of technocrats, the eager silences of ordinary people, the stupid smiles of consumers… We do not match with the aesthetics of the glass world of flat television screens, the digital imitation of the life of social media, the display windows of lifestyle, the lens of security cameras. We do not fit in the society of captivity, the police checks of […]

Zine PDF “In ‘Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tankies, But Were Afraid to Ask,’ Mike Harman uncovers the history of the term ‘tankie’ and its relationship to various strains of Marxism-Leninism. Then ‘Ending the Idealization of the Other’ draws on Su-lin Yu’s critique of Orientalism to explain why some queer people of color in North America support repression when it is committed by ‘socialist states.’ Finally, in ‘Is Genocide Denial Anti-Imperialist Now?’ Darya Rustamova confronts the fetishization of the USSR while expounding on the harm caused by those denying or minimizing genocide and war crimes.”

Zine PDF “There appears to be a rise in known infiltration investigations in North American radical networks, with thorough destabilizing effects on our capacities to struggle, comrades facing heavy repression and of course, the less obvious consequences on our personal mental states. The place that we start is with dialogue. “

Zine PDF “If we want to improve our lives as women, we need to look at our realities, learn survival skills and support each other. With this, we can fight back against intimidation and being pushed around, and take back control over our lives.”
Cars as Cameras – A Short Overview of Tesla Surveillance Features and Lessons for Attack (Pandemonium Distro)

Zine PDF “While the rapid expansion of home surveillance systems like doorbell cameras has been extensively noted and attacked by anarchists,³ there has been less focus on the equally rapid expansion of vehicle-based surveillance systems.”

Zine PDF “The anarcho-nihilist position is essentially that we are fucked.1 That the current manifestation of human society (civilization, leviathan, industrial society, global capitalism, whatever) is beyond salvation, and so our response to it should be one of unmitigated hostility. There are no demands to be made, no utopic visions to be upheld, no political programs to be followed — the path of resistance is one of pure negation”

Zine PDF “This world is ending. No global revolution is coming to save us. What worlds emerge is dependent on the particular trajectories the collapse will traverse in each region. Empire will survive in places where workers still prioritize the needs of the techo-industrial economy – be it capitalist of communist – over the needs of the world they inhabit. Elsewhere, anarchy spreads like cracks in concrete. Anarchy, not anarchism. A diverse, decentralized mosaic of struggles for autonomy. Until the land beneath the ruins of the colonial order is reclaimed by a life beyond Leviathan.”

Riceviamo e diffondiamo dalla ridente Umbria. Premessa: il 24 Gennaio 2025, a Perugia, un’adunata (neo)fascista ha potuto avere luogo nella suggestiva cornice della Sala della Vaccara, a un solo muro di distanza dall’aula consiliare di Palazzo dei Priori: motivo del ritrovo, la presentazione di un libro edito da Settimo Sigillo, marchio della Libreria Europa. Vista la dichiarata inettitudine dell’amministrazione Comunale ad impedire il raduno in alcun modo, la protesta è montata spontaneamente e un gruppo di persone si è quindi ritrovato in piazza IV Novembre per esprimere almeno il proprio disgusto e ribadire che iniziative del genere non dovrebbero essere […]
from Philly Metro Area WSA From Workers Solidarity Alliance, Labor Committee. Revolutionary unionists have always stood for the solidarity of the global working class, rejecting every attempt by the ruling class to divide us—whether through borders, race, gender, or any other means of exploitation. The idea that workers in any one country have interests in…
Fuck Left Unity! & Anti-left Anarchy: Hunting Leftism with Intent to Kill (CONTEMPLATIVE PUBLISHING)

“Ini bukan saatnya memilih ideologi, melainkan saat yang tepat untuk menghancurkan semua ideologi, Kiri dan Kanan”

Os próximos xoves 13 e 20 de marzo a partir das 18.00 acolleremos unhas xornadas de divulgación de investigacións que estaban esperando ter algunha oportunidade para ser compartidas e darse a coñecer. Queremos desfrutar dun par de tardes aprendendo, falando e poñendo experiencias en común. Aínda non temos a programación do día 20 pechada, así que se ti tamén tes algunha investigación interesante collendo po nun caixón, sexa académica (TFG, TFM, tese, PFC…) ou non, podes contactarnos a

Unsere Solidarität gegen ihre Repression! Heraus zum internationalem Tag der politischen Gefangenen! Demonstration | Dienstag, 18.03.2025 | 17 Uhr | Dreiecksplatz | Kiel Vor über 100 Jahren erklärten die internationalen Roten Hilfen den 18. März zum internationalem Tag der politischen Gefangenen. Seit über 100 Jahren nehmen wir den 18. März zum Anlass, an unsere inhaftierten Genoss*innen zu erinnern und für ihre Freiheit zu kämpfen. In den letzten Jahren gewann dieser Tag auch in der BRD, wieder mehr an Bedeutung. Die Repressionen, die Gewalt und Skrupellosigkeit dieses Staates gegenüber allem, was ihm feindlich ist, spitzt sich spürbar zu. Am 20.01.2025 haben […]

Am 21.03.2025 können im Linken Zentrum Lilo Herrmann von 16.00 bis 20.00 Uhr Gutscheine gegen Bargeld getauscht werden.

Extraído de Sans Nom y traducido por Informativo Anarquista [La noche del domingo 3 de marzo de 2025, hacia las 3:15, el Centro Tesla de Plaisance-du-Touch, a unos 15 kilómetros al suroeste de Toulouse, recibió un ataque incendiario. En el estacionamiento, 15 vehículos eléctricos de lujo de la marca quedaron total o parcialmente destruidos por las llamas. Informamos aquí de este atentado el mismo día, y acaba de ser reivindicado mediante un comunicado que nos complace reproducir a continuación]. Un saludo incendiario a tesla El proyecto fascista, patriarcal, ecocida y colonialista se acelera. Mientras las élites multiplican sus saludos nazis, […]

Extraído de La Peste El Manual para destapar a un policía infiltrado, elaborado por el colectivo editorial Dos Cuadrados en colaboración con militantes que han trabajado la cuestión, está basado en experiencias reales y análisis de casos de infiltraciones policiales en el Estado español entre 2022 y 2024, ofrece una guía práctica para organizaciones y militantes que buscan protegerse de las tácticas de los agentes encubiertos. Este manual pretende dar una respuesta a todas estas preguntas en base a algunas de las experiencias adquiridas tras destaparse nueve casos de infiltraciones policiales en el Estado español: ¿Qué patrones comunes tienen los […]
[tradução de comunicado recebido sobre a situação dos companheiros anarquistas Aldo e Lucas Hernández, atualmente sequestrados atrás das grades nas prisões chilenas]. Já vão mais de dois anos daquele 2 de dezembro de 2022, dia dos diversos arrombamentos orquestrados pela Promotoria de Alta Complexidade Metropolitana Sul, onde foram invadidos seis domicílios. Cinco deles na Região Metropolitana e um na região de Valparaíso, todos registrados por grupos policiais OS9, GOPE e LABOCAR, com um resultado de seis detidos, sendo que quatro passaram à prisão preventiva. Dois destes correspondem aos irmãos e companheiros Aldo e Lucas Hernández. No transcurso dos meses os […]

Les capitalistes règnent Les sociétés privées qui possèdent les concessions autoroutières s’accaparent un bien public et privatisent le profit dans une position commerciale sûre et confortable qui fait les poches de l’administration publique. Jusqu’en 2006, les autoroutes étaient majoritairement en mains publiques. Mais ces parts ont alors été vendue à des sociétés concessionnaires privées à un montant nettement inférieur à leur réelle valeur. Cette vente a été menée par Bruno Lemaire, alors chef de cabinet de De Villepin. Puis en 2015, un contrat scandaleux est signé sans aucune transparence entre l’Etat et les sociétés concessionnaires autoroutières. Le contrat, signé par […]

La multinationale qui a obtenu le contrat de construction et d’exploitation de l’autoroute A412 est Eiffage et sa société AMEDEA, détenue par sa branche APRR. Eiffage est tristement célèbre pour ses agissements frauduleux. 1. Une multinationale qui privatise les profits et qui collectivise les pertes. La gestion du projet est confiée à une énorme entreprise qui profite de concessions publiques pour réaliser un bénéfice indécent et verser des dividendes à ses actionnaires alors même que la France est traversée par une crise d’inflation. Eiffage est un des géants du secteur de la construction, des infrastructures, de l’énergie et des concessions. […]

Vortrag zu Repression, Widerstand und Solidarität Der Budapest-Komplex stellt derzeit einen der größten Repressionsschläge gegen Antifaschist:innen in Deutschland dar. Während in Deutschland ein Großteil der Beschuldigten im Knast sitzen, wurde Maja bereits letzten Sommer in einer Nacht-und-Nebel Aktion der Soko Linx und des Kammergerichts Berlin nach Ungarn ausgeliefert. Weitere Beschuldigte werden per Öffentlichkeitsfahndung gesucht und ihre Umfelder drangsaliert und überwacht. Als Grundlage dient wieder einmal der Paragraph 129. Dabei wurde das Drohszenario Ungarn immer wieder durch deutsche Ermittlungsbehörden ausgenutzt, um Genoss:innen zu Geständnissen und Verrat zu bringen. Unser Vortrag soll einen Überblick über die Geschehnisse der letzten 2 Jahre in […]
Suite à un problème technique, l’ensemble des informations concernant le week-end est disponible ici:

Un spectre hante aujourd’hui la République et la DGSI : « l’ultragauche ». En ce moment, au tribunal de Paris, se déroule le procès de l’affaire « du 8 décembre 2020 ». Sept personnes, qui ne se connaissent pas toutes, sont accusées de vouloir « déstabiliser les institutions républicaines par l’intimidation et la terreur » sans qu’il y ait pour autant de « projet terroriste ». Une affaire qui a nécessité tout l’arsenal anti-terroriste et les moyens les plus liberticides, sans jugement, sans défense.
Moin, Wir machen demnächst eine Beratung für alle Interessierten. Meldet euch gerne, teilt uns kurz mit, woher ihr uns kennt oder was eure Idee ist. Dann bekommt ihr die Einladung. Freundschaft 🙂

[val] Hola! Ja tenim ací el cartell de tremendo eventazoooo 🤩 Aquest abril del 17 al 20 organitzem una Super Quedada Transmaribibollo estatal on ens trobarem diferents col·lectives transfeministes i orgulls crítics de l’Estat Espanyol al CSOA CSN (València, Ciutat … Sigue leyendo

An interview with Jay Ward about his hunger strike and demands from Mansfield CI in Ohio, then crna luknja interviews antifascists about demonstrations in Budapest and Sofia
Rumour has it that after the incident at the anarchist bookfair in Graz I am waiting for another opportunity to use violence against the person in question again. But what is the reality? I have encountered him at least three times since then. Twice in a music club, once on a train. When that happened, I didn’t communicate with him or use violence again. If I was going to do something like that, there would be more opportunities than these three chance encounters, because I know where I would find him. But I had no such intention. Unless he provocatively […]
Proslýchá se, že po incidentu na anarchistickém bookfairu v Grazu čekám na další příležitost, abych proti dotyčné osobě znovu použil násilí. Jaká je však skutečnost? Od té doby jsem se s ním setkal nejméně třikrát. Dvakrát v hudebním klubu, jednou ve vlaku. Když se to stalo, už jsem s ním nekomunikoval ani nepoužil násilí. Kdybych měl v úmyslu něco takového udělat, nabízelo by se mi víc příležitostí než tato tři náhodná setkání, protože vím, kde bych ho našel. Ale nic takového jsem v úmyslu neměl. Pokud mě provokativně nenapadne a/nebo neohrozí, nemám důvod použít násilnou sebeobranu. Rád bych tímto prohlášením […]

• CARNAVAL 2025 → Voici une petite liste de conseils pour faire un joyeux carnaval ! tract carnaval 2023 complet (copie)
Bernard Preynat, ex-prêtre condamné pour agressions sexuelles sur mineurs, est mort (Une chance pour la France)

Bernard Preynat, « une chance pour la France » Il avait été condamné en 2020 à cinq ans de prison ferme pour des agressions sexuelles commises sur de jeunes scouts du diocèse de Lyon, affaire à l’origine du scandale Barbarin. Source :

– Wir leiden, wir kämpfen, wir fordern! Heute ist der 08.März, der internationale feministische Kampftag. Seit Jahren gehen wir in Osnabrück und weltweit auf die Straße um für unsere Rechte, für Rechte von Flinta* von Frauen, lesbischen, Inter-, nichtbinär-, Trans- und Agender Personen, zu demonstrieren. Wir fordern Gleichberechtigung und eine Welt, in der wir nicht für unsere Existenz und unsere Würde und unser Leben kämpfen müssen. Dieser Kampf findet nicht nur heute statt – es ist ein persönlicher und kollektiver Kampf, den wir jeden Tag aufs Neue führen.

[pompé sur] Au large de Courseulles, le projet industriel prend du retard Le projet d’EDF d’installer 64 éoliennes industrielles au large de Courseulles-sur-mer prend du retard. En cause, des difficultés dans le forage du fond marin et la rareté … Continuer la lecture

Hier das aktualisierte Program unseres gemeinsamen Feministischen Frühlings 2025. (Version 11.03.2025)

When I defended myself at the anarchist bookfair in Graz and then tried to explain the wider context, I expected that this would be the end of it. Or that it might at least deter the person in question from further vicious provocation, slander and attack. But that optimistic expectation was not fulfilled. For the story continues, and now the same person assigns me the role of the aggressor who attacked him for no good reason. He is trying to convince those around him that I am waiting for another opportunity to use violence against him again. But what is […]